Thursday, November 26, 2020

Serenity - 2005 (Film Review)

 I can't believe it has taken me so many years to give a review of one of my favorite films of all time. Perhaps it just seemed a bit daunting so I avoided it, but here, at last, is my review of "Serenity". 

There are no aliens in this one just a sci-fi film with a difference because of its wonderful ensemble cast led by Nathan Fillion and written and directed by Joss Whedon before he became uber-famous. 

Based on the popular but short-run TV series Firefly, Serenity takes it to the next level and beyond. What can I say? I love it on so many levels and it has something for everyone, including me.

There are a couple of references to sex but none shown and has violence in many areas but it's more intense than graphic, which is a description rather hard to understand until you've seen it. There is swearing but it's made-up words in a make-believe hybrid language of English and Mandarin, so does that count? But there is the word Damn and Hell a few times. Those ones I recognized. Christian themes are found throughout and the nature of faith is discussed because one of the main characters is a minister or a "Shepherd" as they are called in this future. 

There is a definite reason it's a cult classic and the fans are hardcore and lifelong. My "allegiance" as a "Browncoat" (name for its fans) has softened throughout the years but I still watch it with love and respect for its themes of friendship, family, personal redemption, and sacrifice and for its great plot, both excellently acted and directed.

 If you are watching a DVD you must make sure to catch the Director's Commentary special feature the second time around. Joss is so clever and funny and knowledgeable you get a whole new appreciation for the film and its actors while watching it "with" him. He gives us a wonderful balance between telling us technical elements, anecdotal, behind-the-scenes extras as well as his clever and funny personal wisdom.

It's pretty close to the perfect Sci-Fi flick. And I haven't even mentioned the fabulous soundtrack with wonderful elements of guitars and violins that underscores and enhances every scene without intruding. But soon I'll be gushing like a schoolgirl in love instead of the respectable, Christian lady in her fifties I am. Sort of.

And did I mention all the quotes and catchphrases that edged their way into my everyday vocabulary and are still there all these years later? Okay, okay. I'll stop gushing now.

I suppose the big question is, "Do I recommend it, now that time on earth is so short?" It's not an easy question considering this is the first non-Christian review I've done since I've realized we are in the End Times. It cuts to the heart of the question of "How do we spend our free time?" or if we should even have "Free time" anymore? But since I've invested the time to review it I suppose I can't suddenly tell you it is not worth your time to watch it.

Quite honestly, now that time is so precious, I don't think I would recommend investing the hours to watch the original episodes of the Firefly series. But since I know most of us are still watching movies and it's good to have a diversion from the intensity of the way we now live, it (and I) would be hypocritical NOT to recommend you view this film. And there are SO many worse ways to spend your time. It's not a Christian movie but it is definitely "excellent and praiseworthy" (Philippians 4:8) which my review has made abundantly clear. So if you want to "think on it" you may as well go for it.

I hope this helps (and doesn't hinder).

Sincerely, Laura-Lee

Quotes from Serenity

Captain Reynolds discusses what keeps a ship in the air.

"Love. You can learn all the math in the 'Verse, but you take a boat in the air that you don't love, she'll shake you off just as sure as the turning of the worlds."

"Shepherd Book once said to me, 'If you can't do something smart, do something right.' "

"She is fine. Apart from being crazy she's the picture of health."

"I aim to misbehave." (My personal favorite. 😉)


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