Friday, July 29, 2011

Rise of the Planet of the Apes

On August 5th, 2011 the new film "The Rise of the Planet of the Apes" will go into wide release in theatres. I find it interesting that this movie would probably not be able to be made just 10 years ago, because CGI (Computer Generated Images) had not yet evolved enough to do this. James Cameron has been quoted as saying that there is nothing a person can conceive of in their imagination that cannot be realized on the movie screen.
On the flip side: great graphics does not a great movie make. After all the "glitz" and "glamor" is finished, a good movie comes down to one main thing. The thing that is the foundation that all the rest of it is built on. A GOOD STORY.
The original "Planet of the Apes" film with Charleton Heston had some pretty hokey special effects and consisted of a bunch of guys running around in monkey suits. Pardon me. Ape suits. But the story was good and even though I was only 5 years old at the time, that story effected me then and still does to this day. We'll have to wait until August 5th to see if this latest "Ape" movie will be able to live up to the same standard as the first one.
I'm not sure if the people in Hollywood understand that. They see one movie make some money and they try to repeat the same formula. It's another case of  "monkey see; monkey do". Or perhaps "money see: money do"

Keep watching this space for updates and comments.

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