Friday, June 17, 2016

[Immediately FREE] Wholesome Weekend Date Movie (June 17, 2016)

I know it will seem very odd to recommend a film all about adultery as a "wholesome date" movie, but that's what I'm going to do. (And by now you should be used to me being "odd" )

The film of this week is called, "Brief Encounter" starring Trevor Howard and Celia Johnson and directed by David Lean. It's the story of two rather ordinary and truly happily married people who meet in a chance encounter and almost accidentally fall in love with each other. Their love is deep and real and completely unexpected by either of them.

I don't usually give a movie a 10 out of 10 rating because that would mean it's "perfect" and  [almost as a matter of principle]  I don't believe anything on earth is totally perfect. But if I feel a movie is close to it, I give it a rating of 9 out of 10 and then use words such as "flawless" or "must see", which is basically splitting hairs, but what I'm going to do in this case. 

Even with the poorer quality upload on YouTube, this film is so wonderful, gripping and mesmerizing it's worth viewing (even if in some places you can't even see peoples' heads). 
What's interesting is the way the film pulls us along mirrors the way the characters in the film fall in love.

I've searched for this film on YouTube before and never found it. Then suddenly I found it just  'waiting'  for me as a "Recommendation" on YouTube's Home Page. But on YouTube a film can disappear (and be removed) just as quickly as it appears, so you should probably watch it as soon as you can.

And this film is SO good you will probably wish at least 2 viewings. I've watched it 3 times in the past 24 hours and each time I find something new about it to appreciate and it never loses it's power to capture and entrance.

I'm sure everyone will enjoy this film and I hope the same will be true for your weekend.

Sincerely, Laura-Lee


  • Good Story
  • Appeals to BOTH Men & Women
  • Funny
  • Witty
  • Good acting
  • Plot Twist
  • Evokes "warm fuzzies"
  • Motivates snuggling
  • No Graphic Sex, Violence or Swearing
  • Leaves you with good feelings/thoughts
  • Available on the Internet right now for FREE (so you can watch it Immediately)

NOTE: I've made several updates at my YouTube Channel (including new Play Lists, Recommendations for you and Featuring other Channels). Why not go check it out? L-L

Brief Encounter Promo Poster

1 comment:

  1. Why not leave a comment or send me an email to let me know if you've been watching and enjoying this weekly "Wholesome Datenight" Feature? (Comments can be Annonymous if you wish). But I do love Feedback, even when you disagree with me. ;-) Love L-L
