Saturday, August 31, 2013

Director, James Cameron, Rips Off Titanic Movie Ideas

Something that has been bugging me ever since the uber famous movie, "TITANIC" by James Cameron came out was that almost all of it was written by other people and they didn't get any credit for it.

Now set aside that the entire story of the sinking of the Titanic, the parts that don't include Rose or Jack, are amazing because they actually happened and are written in tons of history books for all to see.
But the story of Jack and Rose has been ripped off from other films that are classics. I suppose James Cameron thought that because those films were several years older there was a good chance that nobody had seen them and his "plagurism" could slip by unnoticed. Until little, tiny, annoying, Laura-Lee has come along to expose him

In Titanic when Rose and Jack meet on the front of the ship and hug and kiss while their hair and clothes are whipped around by the stiff breezes is directly from a film called, "The Lady Eve" with Henry Fonda and Barbara Stanwyck.

Rose and Jack making out in the old car on the freight deck while being searched for is directly from the film, "Now, Voyager" with Bette Davis.
AND almost word for word is the talk they have in the car after having sex. It's right from the movie, "Say Anything" with John Cusack and Ione Skye.

And, as I mentioned before, every other part of the Titanic story is straight out of history. What I find amazing is that nobody seems to have mentioned this to James Cameron before now. He certainly does more than his share if interviews.
If it were me and I had taken 90% of my story from other people, I would have a difficult time just sitting there and taking all the glory and praise for someone elses work.
There is no doubt that James Cameron is a wonderful director. One of the best in this generation, but he seems to have left his ego at the bottom of the sea. It seems the only line truly his is "I'M THE KING OF THE WORLD". (but I may be wrong because I haven't seen as many films as James Cameron has.)

As for myself, I'm just happy if at some point people realize that "Laura-Lee Was Here" []

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