Friday, January 20, 2017

"Left Behind" Film Review: For the SAVED or UnSAVED?

UPDATE:  (July 2017) This was originally part of my  "Wholesome Weekend Date Movie" Feature (January 2017),  but after viewing this version of the film "Left Behind" with Nic Cage again, I wanted to take some time to visit the issue of WHO is responsible for this film being remade and the message(s) it gives. You may be surprised at the answer this 40 year follower of Jesus gives.  (This UPDATE continues. Immediately below is the orginal "Wholesome Weekend Date Movie" post)

By now you have probably figured out that I think Nicolas Cage is not just a massively talented actor but also quite scrumptious. So when I discovered he was in a 2014 version of the film "Left Behind" I scooted around to find a good quality upload of it.

Nicolas plays the Captain of a plane who discovers that several of his passengers and flight crew have suddenly vanished into thin air during a flight to London.

Nicolas Cage
Being Intense & Sensitive

Based on the [very] Best-selling series of books (of the same title) which are a fictionalized account of what Bible Prophecy predicts will happen in the near future, when the earth enters it's darkest period of time, the anti-Christ (AKA. Satan) takes over and World War III looms big on the horizon.

Nicolas Cage
[STILL] Being Intense & Sensitive

I"m not going to say anything more about this movie because I'm going to write a full review of it and I want you to see it first without any bias from me.
 Let me just say, I may be making the ultimate Christian 'faux pas' (AKA. Big Boo Boo) by liking this NON-Christian version of  "Left Behind" more than the Christian version that was made several years ago. 

At any rate, whatever your Christian views may be, this film is a good action movie, it meets "Laura-Lee's Requirements" and (did I mention) it has NICOLAS CAGE in it?!

I hope this is "the start of a beautiful friendship" for you and, of course, a wonderful weekend too.

Sincerely, Laura-Lee


  • Good Story
  • Appeals to BOTH Men & Women
  • Funny
  • Witty
  • Good acting
  • Plot Twist
  • Evokes "warm fuzzies"
  • Motivates snuggling
  • No Graphic Sex, Violence or Swearing
  • Leaves you with good feelings/thoughts
  • "Jazzed" and anxious to share it
  • Available on the Internet right now for FREE (so you can watch it Immediately)

Now THAT'S how you do a
Promo Poster

"Left Behind"
(Another Promo Poster)

(I encourage "Lookie-Loos". So go to my YouTube Channel and see more PlayLists and Recommendations)

Nic enjoying Breeze

Nic is watching You

Nic [More] Intense & Sensitive

Nic as Shrek

Nic as Happy Person

Nic as , uh, ???

(The "something extra" for scrolling to the bottom of the page)

UPDATE continued: (July 2017)

Above  is how this film was originally published when it was part of my "Wholesome Weekend Date Movie" feature, but I just went to YouTube to view this film again and found that several more Christians had uploaded it but were referring to it as the "UnSaved version of  Left Behind".

So I wish to aim this review of the film primarily at Christians and let you in on two very important facts about this "UnSaved" version of Left Behind that helped me open my mind a crack before viewing it myself.

1) There is no way this film could have been made unless the authors of the Left Behind series of books, Jerry Jenkins and Tim La Haye "signed off" on it. Which basically means there was a bunch of contract negotiations going on and they had to agree to it.

2) This script was enhanced or had some rewriting done by someone named Paul Lalonde. When I saw that name in the opening credits for the movie, my mind suddenly popped open a crack and I entertained the possibility that I might actually enjoy this film more than I expected.

You see, Peter and Paul Lalonde are no strangers to Canadian Christians. They have been at the forefront of their own Bible Prophecy Ministry even before Jerry & Tim got together to write their first book in their very popular "Left Behind" series of books. The Lalonde brothers produced some of the first films to deal with the topic of  what is commonly now known as the "Rapture".  And even though they had a shoe string budget and the Lalondes' films were primarily shown in Churches, they were some of the best Biblical movies I had ever seen.

Now let me give you a short review of this particular version of the movie, "Left Behind".

Christians who believe the Bible isn't just "some book written by old men" but actually tells the truth, mostly hold the belief that Jesus will physically and literally return to earth IN THE FUTURE to set up His Kingdom here. These future events are described in detail in the Bible. Primarily in the book of "Daniel", (a prophet who lived a long time before Jesus,) "Revelation" (the last portion of the Bible), and from Jesus himself  (mostly recorded in the gospel of Matthew. Chapter 24).

Though all these parts of the Bible were written hundreds of years apart they completely agree with each other and describe an event known as the "Rapture". This word is not actually found IN the Bible but it basically means "to be caught up or snatched away". (Check your local dictionary).

It is the belief of every Christian who believes the Bible tells the truth from cover to cover that Jesus will snatch away all people who have an honest and sincere faith in Jesus and will take them with him to Heaven, without us dying first. 
This is to be a Global event and will happen in "the twinkling of an eye." We will all be just going about our usual business and then millions of people will just suddenly be gone. This is such a thrilling, unique and fascinating concept that it is no surprise that it has captured the imagination of Christians and non-Christians alike. Christians because it is our "hope" and non-Christians because, hey, who isn't interested in knowing the future BEFORE it actually happens.

I personally started watching and hoping for this event to literally occur back in 1980 while heading for an appointment to my dentist. In spite of making me feel rather old, that is before many of you were even born. This film version of "Left Behind" focuses on that event and it's immediate aftermath. 

We are in the air with commercial pilot Ray Steele, with the Oscar winning and scrumptious Nicolas Cage in that role, as the Rapture happens and several of his passengers and crew suddenly disappear MIDFLIGHT over the Atlantic ocean while on their way to London.
It's up to the wonderful Captain Steele to keep order, try and find a way to get his plane back on the ground amidst the chaos and try to figure out what happened to the missing people.
In my opinion, what makes this film so good and sometimes even better than the book is the added dialogue and actions among the handful of first class passengers who are also "Left Behind". As they talk amongst themselves and discuss their various theories of  what happened to the people who disappeared right in front of them, it runs the gamate of sounding ridiculous, being humorous and sometimes causes them to take desperate and dangerous measures.
During this the supporting cast gets to demonstrate their acting talents, make us care about each of their characters and contemplate the possibles of what their future holds. It's at that time one can't help but imagine what we would do when faced with the same scenario. From sublime and funny to desperate and fearful I believe this movie to be superior (Yes. I said "SUPERIOR") to the first version of this film made by "Saved" people and this cinematic plane ride worth the trip. Whether you're a Christian or non Christian, "saved' or "not saved" I would encourage you to watch or rewatch this movie.

As a side note, let me say that since I first started looking into what the Bible had to say about future events back in the "olden days" of the 1980's (Yes. I'm having one of my common 1980's flashbacks), the quality and quantity of films made about the Rapture and Bible Prophecy has dramatically and exponentially increased.
Jesus has made sure to leave a record of these future events to prepare us for them. After all, the words "Revelation" and "apocalypse" literally mean to "reveal" something. (Check your local dictionary).

Or better still check any Bible you can get a hold of because the Rapture is just one of many things about the future that Bible Prophecy reveals. And whether you are reading my words before or after the Rapture has occured, you have nothing to fear if you have given your life to Jesus.
In keeping with the "airplane theme" let me use the example that faith in Jesus is like a parachute. It does you no good to simply know such a thing exists. In order for it to actually "save" you, you need to get it and put it on. Then you can wear it with the confidence that whatever happens, you  will  be  saved.

"But put on the Lord Jesus Christ ..." Romans 13:14

"Put on the whole armour of God ..."  Ephesians 6 

"Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ ... Romans 13

Love Laura-Lee

 This film has some adult themes (like cheating on your wife) and some violent scenes, so it holds a PG rating. But otherwise, it is alright for family viewing. I'm giving it an official "The Bible and the Biz" rating of  8 out of 10 little, golden, Christian fishies:

Will Nicolas Cage figure out why some people vanished into thin air and some were "Left Behind"?

Will Nicolas Cage simply go insane trying to answer that question?

Will Nicolas Cage start a "Latter Days" Cult?


Will Nicolas Cage shave off ALL his hair?
Will Nicolas Cage ..., uh, will he, ...

Thank you for visiting my blog. You are always welcome here.
  Love  Laura-Lee


Friday, January 13, 2017

[Immediately FREE] Wholesome Weekend Date Movie (Jan. 13,, 2017)

As they used to say on Monty Python, "and now for something completely different ..."

Last week I recommended a tense, psychological thriller ["Failsafe"]. This week I probably couldn't recommend a film that's more different than 1968's, "With Six You Get Eggroll", starring Doris Day and Brian Keith. 

Doris Day Having
a Bad Hair Day

I watched it a few weeks ago for the first time with the eyes of an adult and definitely got more out of it. I left several good comments at it's YouTube webpage, but a lot of people felt I hadn't raved enough about it. (
I had NO idea that so many people had such strong opinions and deep enthusiasm for this film). 

Doris Day Having a
Shopping Day

It's the story of a lovely lady, bringing up three very lonely boys. All of them had hair of gold, like their mother. The oldest one, no pose. 
Til the one day when the lady met a 'fella' and they knew it was much more than a hunch, that this group must somehow form a family. That's the way they all became the Iverson bunch.

The Iverson bunch.
The Iverson bunch.
That's the way they became the Iverson bunch.

So I'm giving in to peer pressure, heeding your opinions and recommending this film for my weekly feature, due mostly to what other people think of it. 

It IS a charming, sweet and [sometimes] silly romantic comedy that basically fills all of  "Laura-Lee's Requirements". So I don't feel too guilty for caving in. 

It's definitely a feel-good film. And I DO hope you feel good as you enjoy this film, your weekend and snuggling up to that someone special (or to someone who may become your "someone special").

You, the people, have spoken. 

Doris Day Having a Romantic Night
with Brian Keith

Sincerely, Laura-Lee

P.S.  I still think the film, "Yours, Mine and Ours" with Henry Fonda and Lucille Ball is the same type of film but far superior to this one, And when I find a good quality upload of it, I will be letting you know.


  • Good Story
  • Appeals to BOTH Men & Women
  • Funny
  • Witty
  • Good acting
  • Plot Twist
  • Evokes "warm fuzzies"
  • Motivates snuggling
  • No Graphic Sex, Violence or Swearing
  • Leaves you with good feelings/thoughts
  • "Jazzed" and anxious to share it
  • Available on the Internet right now for FREE (so you can watch it Immediately)

With Six You Get Eggroll
Promo Poster

(Remember. I welcome "Lookie-Loos" at my YouTube channel to see my other Playlists and Recommendations)

Here is the wonderful "something extra" for those who have scrolled right to the bottom of the page.

Friday, January 6, 2017

[Immediately FREE] Wholesome Weekend Date Movie (Jan. 7,, 2017)

For the first film I recommend for the year 2017 I have decided to "stir the pot" and really freak you out with the 1964 psychological thriller, "Failsafe".

Made during the height of "cold war", nuclear tensions between the Soviet Union and America, this movie will keep you stuck to your seat more than an entire tube of Crazy Glue.

The United States appears to have sent a squadron of bombers carrying nuclear warheads to drop on Moscow only to discover it's merely a miscommunication and a technical malfunction. But how does the President convince the Soviets that's it's all just a big mistake?

And once he convinces the Russians, how does he convince his bombers to stand down and return home after they've reached their "failsafe", which is the point at which they've been trained to ignore ALL commands to abort their mission?

It will grab you in the first 5 minutes, keep you thoroughly engrossed and present you with an ending you will NOT see coming.

... and give you and your date lots to talk about when it's over. 

Make sure you have lots of munchies available so you don't bite your fingernails down to the quick.

MALE Fingernail reaction to this film

FEMALE Fingernail reaction to this film

And take note of an amazing supporting performance by Larry Hagman (Yes. The same Larry Hagman of "Dallas" and "I Dream of Jeannie" fame) as the President's Russian translator.

Larry Hagman & Henry Fonda
do "Social Media" the old-fashioned way

Unfortunately, the upload to YouTube is not the best quality and you'll have to endure a bit of  "Chipmunk-Voice", but soon you'll stop noticing it because of the quality of the story.

I hope your Christmas and New Years was filled with good times and is now replaced with the good memories they left behind.

Sincerely, Laura-Lee


  • Good Story
  • Appeals to BOTH Men & Women
  • Funny
  • Witty
  • Good acting
  • Plot Twist
  • Evokes "warm fuzzies"
  • Motivates snuggling
  • No Graphic Sex, Violence or Swearing
  • Leaves you with good feelings/thoughts
  • "Jazzed" and anxious to share it
  • Available on the Internet right now for FREE (so you can watch it Immediately)

(My YouTube Channel: Where "Lookie-Loos" are always Welcome)

File Clerk
