I very, very rarely give a critique or review of a website. Especially a personal website. But I came across one, quite by chance (which is I suppose the point of ‘surfing the net’ ) and I thought I would describe it to you.
It’s , uh …. well, it’s kinda like a … No. It’s actually much more like a …
Ok. Ok. Just give me a second.
I suppose if I had to put it in just one word, this website I’m talking about is completely …, uh.
Hmmm. This may be a bit harder than I anticipated. Let me start by telling you what you WILL find in it, instead of trying to sum it up.
There’s some … [pause] …, uh, some noises that sound like a person with bad digestion, the themes from the “Golden Girls” and “Cheers” (with most of the words just hummed), … [pause] … a pink hat made of 80% cotton and 20% Lycra which causes allergies, a photo of a cute, little white dog, a floating top hat, (yes. I said “floating”), doodles everywhere, … [pause] … some sort of Godzilla monster, a Ferris wheel, … Um. What else.
For all the years I’ve been writing and all the words I know, I don’t suppose I’m sounding very clever. But I’ll keep trying to describe it.
There are some sections with familiar titles that I recognize, like “Radio”, and “Movies” and “Links”. And when one clicks on them you will be taken to … ?
ALRIGHT ! Let me try to start again from the beginning …
I very, very rarely give a critique or review …
Oh. Never mind !
If you care to enter the bizarre, the unique, the complex, the humorous and one-of-a-kind mind of Matthew Gray Gubler, it is definitely worth your while to click your way over.
But DO NOT expect the usual, the average or the mundane, because you will be disappointed.
Matthew Gray Gubler plays DR. Spencer Reid on the TV show, “Criminal Minds”. That part I’m sure about. But the rest of it, …
It’s not the typical website of a Hollywood actor. He is not there to promote his acting career. You will not find 8x10 Glossy Photographs, or him bragging about the fact he has directed some of the Criminal Mind episodes, or what he does in his free time, or whom he dates, Etc..
But in a world where people are always trying to “be like” and “out do” all the other people, I can’t help but admire Matthew for “marching to a different drummer”. Or in his case, probably a entire “different band”!
Matthew Gray Gubler: A breath of fresh air in an Internet filled with the “same ol, same ol” stagnant banality.
“Thank you God for people who ‘dare to be different. What a boring world this would be without them.”
Oh. If you don’t hear from me for a while. It’s because I’ve backed my bag and headed for an extended holiday to Gubler Land.
“Having a great time. Wish you were here.
Love Laura-Lee xxoo”
Matthew Gray Gubler Main Webpage
GublerNation Tumblr
NOTE: Drawings done by Matthew Gray Gubler
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