Saturday, September 7, 2024

Bye, Bye, Bye is "Resurrected" by Deadpool


Okay, here's the deal, in the 1990s when Boy Bands were EVERYWHERE I was already in my 20s (Oops❗️πŸ™Š I accidentally outed my age on the internet again. Kinda) and I had flipped over to Country Pop looking for some music with substance. Although I liked a few songs from them like, "Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely", "Shape of My Heart" and "As Long As You Love Me" all by the Backstreet Boys,  I generally gave them all a miss to listen to artists like Garth Brooks, Brad Paisley, Diamond Rio ... (you get the idea).

But with the release of "Deadpool and Wolverine" (2004), NSYNC and their massive hit  "Bye, Bye, Bye" (originally released in 2000) has come back and I've been taking a look at some of the videos I missed the first time around. My Conclusion? I was correct to give them a skip. They are pretty lightweight fare. BUT (and I have a big one πŸ˜‰)  these lads can DANCE❗️

Things are different for me now. I'm pushing sixty years old and I have to get around with my walker (a little leftover from being paralyzed from the neck down in 2019) BUT (there it is again) I can still shake my BUTT ( and there it is yet AGAIN) and frequently do. Now I want to encourage you to do the same. One of my big regrets in life is that I was too shy and self conscious to dance in front of others so I only did it in my bedroom (as a teenager) and my apartment (as an adult). But I STILL Danced!

We are all so isolated in our homes and staring at a screen for hours and hours each day  and it is not healthy. You need to GET UP  and MOVE.πŸ•ΊπŸ’ƒ  This benefits you physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. 

Compile a Dance Playlist appropriate for your tastes and current physical condition (don't over do it at first), and get off your big BUTT and move it around.

As for the remake of "Bye, Bye, Bye" by Resolve for the movie Deadpool and Wolverine ...

you can DEFINITELY skip their dark, S&M, Dancing Dominatrix version of the song. They SO didn't get the POINT of the song! They are supposed to be DUMPING the girl who is treating them like a puppet, NOT getting their "jollies" from being tied up by her! 

(Yikes! 😬)

As to my opinion of Deadpool and Wolverine...

I will not, I repeat NOT, be seeing it! 🀨  The first Deadpool and the second Deadpool (which I DNF) tainted me quite enough with their excessive violence and foul language, which is prevalent throughout. And Hugh Jackman's glorious body I have seen enough of too. Like in EVERY movie he has ever made! ("Get over yourself, Mate!")

I've attached Links to two versions of Bye, Bye, Bye. One is all dance by NSYNC and the other is a pretty cool exercise video by just regular folks to inspire you. 

I guess the only thing left for me to do is say,

"Bye, bye, bye" and, of course, ...

The Truth with Love,

Always Laura-Lee  😌

Bye, Bye, Bye All Dance

( One little point I'd like to make. 🀏 Watch the people in the audiences. They are NOT viewing it through their PHONES❗️ They have something AMAZING going on RIGHT IN FRONT of them and they are participating in the moment by dancing around and RECORDING it indelibly with their FIVE SENSES. πŸ˜ƒ)

Bye, Bye, Bye EXERCISE

Okay, here's a little treat for scrolling to the bottom and to continue to motivate you. 

"CAN'T STOP the FEELING" by Justin Timberlake

(Hey, the man has sunshine in his pocket! 🌞 You can't top that!) πŸ˜ƒ

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Farewell to Donald Sutherland (1935-2024)


Canadian Actor, Donald Sutherland  (father of Kiefer Sutherland) has died.

His best performance was in  "Citizen X" (1995) as a district head of the KGB in the Soviet Union in the TRUE story of  the hunt for the USSR's  first serial Rapist/Killer, Andrei Chikatilo, for which he won the Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actor.

It is a hard, hard movie to watch (due to the content) but certainly is one of the best I've ever seen and (by far) the best thing HBO has ever spawned. 

This movie is as accurate as Hollywood ever gets, taking the case apart and watching it unfold year after horrible, frustrating year.

Although the makers must show a great deal, they used a very restrained hand. Yet the content intensifies in graphic nature as it progresses, which actually is very useful to display how serial killers intensify in their behavior if they are not caught and motivates us emotionally to get this monster caught!

It is NOT for Sensitive viewers or the faint of heart, but a very well made movie in every respect.

MY Rating:




Donald Sutherland is also well know for his wonderful depiction of dad, Calvin Jarret, in the movie  "Ordinary People" which won Best Picture, Best Director (Robert Redford), Best Supporting Actor (Timothy Hutton) etc, etc, at the 1981 Academy Awatds.

It is the story of the aftermath on a family after the accidental death of their oldest son (and the subsequent attempted suicide of their younger son) as they try and rebuild their family.

Mary Tyler Moore took the limelight for this movie because she gave a gripping performance as the distant, controlling mother and Timothy Hutton was equally powerful as the broken son devastated by the death of his beloved older brother. However, I learned later that Dick Van Dyke was originally cast to play the father which made me reconsider Donald's performance. His character (and performance) is what anchors this movie as he quietly goes through it trying to understand his small family and his own grief. It would have been a VERY different movie without him.

It is also a difficult movie to watch because of its deeply emotional content but also receives my 

8/10 Rating


MY criteria for someone being a great actor? Versatility and Longevity. So to Donald Sutherland I say,

"Well done. Take a bow,"

The Truth with Love,
Always Laura-Lee 


P.S. On the flipside, there are two movies by Sutherland you can completely skip. Film Noir, Psycho-Thriller, "Klute" (1971) and Black Comedy (No. That's not a racist thing. It's actually a genre), "MASH" (1970) which the long running TV show was based on.

Both films were early on in Donald's career and I didn't see either of them until I was an adult because they would have NEVER been showed on TV until western civilization had deteriorated enough to broadcast them.

 They are both "angsty" anti-establishment, graphic in all ways and end tragically, which was all the rage for movies made in the 1970s. I'm not even going to bother to rate them and just advise you to spend your time doing something much more beneficial. like repeatedly poking yourself in the eye with a sharp stick or...

  watching the "Hunger Games" again (for the umpteenth time.) πŸ˜‰


   we could all just stare at (easy on the eyes) Jennifer Lawrence some more. 😳